The Legal 500 EMEA: Leading Firm, Leading Individual, Rising Star and Recommended Lawyer Recognitions to Properta
Properta performed excellently again in the latest Legal 500 EMEA 2023 rankings, evaluating the expertise and client satisfaction of law firms and lawyers. This year, our real estate legal expertise was elevated to the second-highest Tier 2 level in the category of ‘Real Estate and Construction’. Our lawyers mentioned in the ‘Recommended Lawyer’ editorial text were Ilkka Koivisto, Ilmo Korpelainen, Ville Laine, Heidi Savia and Katja Firtser. Our intellectual property legal expertise was also ranked highly at the Tier 2 level, and our experts mentioned were Hanna-Maija Elo, Kukka Tommila, Emilia Hodge and Sassa Svahn.
Three of Properta’s lawyers were named ‘Leading Lawyers’ in Finland, these being Hanna-Maija Elo, Kukka Tommila, and Ilkka Koivisto. Emilia Hodge was named as a ‘Rising Star’.
Our clients commented on Properta as follows:
Real Estate and Construction
‘Properta’s team is efficient, professional, practical-minded, and cost-effective.’
‘Ilkka Koivisto and Ville Laine are both leading real estate and construction law professionals. Their practical-minded approach is both impressive and cost-effective and has also delivered great results.’
‘The Properta team is pragmatic and reliable. The strength of the team is a long history with our company. They therefore understand our challenges and our way of working.’
‘Emilia Hodge is highly responsive and truly looks into client’s challenges or problems.’
‘Hanna-Maija Elo is a highly pragmatic and very experienced and trusted IP lawyer.’
You can see all of Finland’s rankings here.

Partner, Attorney-at-Law, trained on the bench, trademark attorney +358 40 561 4961
Partner, Attorney-at-Law, trained on the bench +358 50 511 4051
Partner, Attorney-at-Law, trademark attorney +358 40 580 5101

Partner, Attorney-at-Law, trained on the bench +358 50 597 6050