Propertalle hienot rankkaukset Chambers Global 2018 -julkaisussa
Properta on uutena tulokkaana asianajomaailmassa saanut heti hienon tunnustuksen parhaita lakimiehiä arvioivassa Chambers Global 2018 -julkaisussa. Properta noteerattiin ”Other noted firms” kategoriassa yhtenä Suomen kymmenestä parhaasta IPR-toimistosta.
Propertan IPR-osakkaista Hanna-Maija Elo rankattiin korkeimpaan ”Band 1” kategoriaan seuraavin kommentein: ”Hanna-Maija Elo of Properta Attorneys Ltd represents clients in IP disputes and is active across a number of sectors, including food, drinks and retail. Clients enthuse that her “service level and industry knowledge are excellent,” adding: “She is an excellent negotiator.” She represented CPR Conseptor both in infringement proceedings against PizzaExpress and in the related revocation action relating to the enforceability of registered trade mark ‘HANGOVER’.”
Kukka Tommila rankattiin toiseksi korkeimpaan ”Band 2” kategoriaan seuraavin kommentein: “Kukka Tommila of Properta Attorneys Ltd is highly active within the clothing and consumer products manufacturing sector, where she often advises on trade mark prosecution and litigation. She acted on Rimowa’s trade mark infringement case against a reseller, which resulted in the seizure by Finnish customs officials of a large number of infringing products. Sources praise her efficient handling of cases and say that she is “a good sparring partner when you speak about trade mark infringements.”
Olemme todella iloisia ja ylpeitä Propertan ja sen IPR-osaamisen huomioimisesta näin hienosti jo heti ensimmäisen toimintavuoden perusteella!