Chambers Europe 2023: Propertan IPR- ja kiinteistöjuridiikan osaaminen upeasti huomioituina
Uusimmassa Chambers Europe 2023 -julkaisussa Propertan IPR-osaaminen huomioitiin Band 2 -kategoriassa sekä Propertan ammattilaiset Band 1 (Hanna-Maija Elo) ja Band 3 (Kukka Tommila) -kategorioissa.
“Properta Attorneys is a strong firm assisting with a variety of IP matters. The team is well known for its contentious work, with particular expertise in trade mark enforcement matters. Lawyers in the team additionally assist clients with copyright matters and licensing issues. The law firm regularly represents clients from the fashion and food and beverage sectors.”
“Hanna-Maija Elo has a broad and deep knowledge in the area of intellectual property rights.”
“Kukka Tommila advises on matters related to trade mark infringement and opposition proceedings, as well as on portfolio management and design rights.”
Kiinteistöjuridiikan osalta Properta huomioitiin Construction – Spotlight table -kategoriassa. Propertan asianajajista Ilmo Korpelainen ja Ilkka Koivisto ovat mukana Notable Practitioners -listattuina.
“Properta Attorneys is a boutique law firm with noteworthy expertise in construction matters. It acts for developers, engineers and construction companies on a variety of mandates, with particular activity in contentious proceedings relating to subcontracts.”
“Properta has impressive knowledge regarding construction and real estate law.”
Katso Chambers Europe 2023 / Finland IPR-listaus kokonaisuudessaan täältä ja kiinteistöjuridiikan listaus täältä

Osakas, asianajaja, varatuomari, tavaramerkkiasiamies 040 561 4961