Please contact Timo for assistance in the following and other areas
- contractual and company law issues of housing companies
- issues of liability for damages and litigation for housing companies, their management and their shareholders
- chairing a shareholders’ meeting or issues of real estate management
- various civil claims relating to sales of homes and real estate
Timo has more than two decades of experience in handling and litigating assignments related to housing companies, sales of homes and real estate, and contracting. These assignments have covered the entire life cycle of a housing company, meaning that Timo is familiar with just about all of the problems that can arise in this specialised field. He has been involved in dozens of projects related to condominium extensions, and especially loft conversions, and has conducted numerous litigation assignments ranging from various real estate claims concerning summer home sales to major contracting disputes. Timo is also a trained and experienced civil claims mediator, who has been registered with the Finnish Bar Association’s register or mediators already since 2002.
Properta Attorneys Ltd, Partner 2017–
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. (formerly Juridia Bützow and Juridia), Partner 2006–2017
Palsala, Erkko & Järvinen, Attorneys-at-Law, Partner 2002–2006
Arto Palsala, Attorneys-at-Law, Associate 2000–2002
Uusimaa Residential Real Estate Association, Legal Counsel 1998–2000
Finnish Real Estate Federation, Head of Organisational Affairs 1996-1998
Education and training
Attorney-at-Law, 2001
Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 1997
Finnish, Swedish, English.
Finnish Bar Association
Fiduciary positions
Timo has held numerous fiduciary positions over the years, including serving on the board of the Finnish Real Estate Federation and chairing its regional association for Uusimaa, and chairing the boards of the Real Estate Education Centre (Kiinko) and its associated foundation. His current fiduciary positions include serving as a member of Uusikaupunki Town Council since 2013, as a member of the board of Korihait Basketball Club since 2012, and as a member of the board of the Uusikaupunki Residential Area Association since 2012.
Timo A. Järvinen & Katri Salokorpi. 100 kysymystä asuntoyhtiö-juridiikasta [100 Questions About Housing Law]. Alma Talent 2022
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Timo A. Järvinen, Tapio Nevala: Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki [The Housing Companies Act]. Talentum, 2019