Emilia Hodge


+358 44 750 5628

Please contact Emilia for assistance in the following and other areas

  • issues, procedures and disputes concerning intellectual property rights
  • when seeking to verify the legality of your marketing or stop the unfair practices of a competitor
  • data protection and commercial agreements
  • cases of online infringements
  • issues concerning official procedures and special regulation of consumer trading

Emilia has years of experience conducting various IPR assignments with national and international dimensions, including several litigations for example at the Market Court.

Emilia not only provides strategic and business-conscious advice on intellectual property rights, but also on such questions as supplementary forms of protection, marketing and consumer law, data protection and special legislation. She also handles commercial reports and contracts as well as sales transactions. Emilia has previously served as in-house legal counsel for one of the largest clothing industry operators in Europe.


Properta Attorneys Ltd, Attorney-at-Law 2018–
L-Fashion Group Oy (Luhta), Legal Counsel 2017–2018
Krogerus Attorneys Ltd, Associate 2013–2017

Education and training

Attorney-at-Law, 2018
Master of Laws, University of Turku, 2013
Diploma, English language Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Information Society, University of Turku, 2013


Finnish, English, Swedish and French

Latest rankings

Who’s Who Legal 2024: Recommended

Managing IP 2024: Finland Rising Star of the Year

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024: Rising Star

World Trademark Review, WTR 1000, 2024, Bronze category

Who’s Who Legal: IP – Trademarks 2023: Recommended

Managing IP 2023: Rising Star

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023: Rising Star

  • ‘Emilia Hodge is highly responsive and truly looks into client’s challenges or problems.’

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022:

  • “Senior associate Emilia Hodge is known for her work in IP-related litigation.”

Managing IP 2022: Rising Star

Who’s Who Legal Trademarks: Global Leader, 2022

Legal 500, 2021: Rising Star:

  • “IP specialists Hanna-Maija Elo and Kukka Tommila lead the group at Properta Attorneys Ltd, which has extensive experience in the food, fashion, retail, sports and other consumer goods sectors. The team covers the full range of IP services, including trade marks, design rights, copyright, patents, trade secrets, unfair competition issues, marketing work and consumer regulations, with a specialisation in EU and international trade mark filings. Senior associate Emilia Hodge is also noted.”

Managing IP, 2021: Rising Star


Finnish AIPPI Group
International Trademark Association INTA
Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights
Finnish Fashion Law Association
Finnish Marketing Association (MARK)
FIDE Finland, Association for European Law

Fiduciary positions

MARQUES, European Trade Mark Law and Practice, team member
Chairman of the Finnish Fashion Law Association
Chairman of the Legal Division of the Finnish Marketing Association (MARK)


Vaatekaupan hintamerkinnät – markkinaoikeuden ratkaisuista selvyyttä vertailuhintamarkkinointiin [Price labelling in the clothing business – Market Court judgements bring clarity to comparative price marketing] (Modin, Finnish Fashion Trade Magazine, 5/2019)
Tavaramerkin käyttö ja näyttö – mitä muotialan liiketoiminnassa tulee huomioida [Use and evidence of trademarks – points to note in the fashion business] (Modin, Finnish Fashion Trade Magazine, 4/2019)
Uusia ajatuksia IPR-strategiaan Ranskasta johtavilta muotioikeusjuristeilta [New ideas of IPR strategy from leading fashion lawyers in France] (Modin, fashion trade magazine, 10/2018)
Ajankohtaista muotioikeutta: vaatekaupan hintamerkinnät [Trends in fashion law: Price labelling in the clothing business] (Modin, Finnish Fashion Trade Magazine, 10/2018)
Markkinoinnin, juridiikan ja itsesääntelyn kohtaamisia digitaalisessa maailmassa [Encounters of marketing, law and self-regulation in a digital world] (MARK, 7/2018)
Tiukkenivatko Instagram-markkinoinnin merkintälinjaukset Suomessa [Have the guidelines concerning labelling in the Instagram marketing become more restrictive in Finland?] (MARK, 3/2018)
EU Trademark Reform: A Clearer Picture (World Intellectual Property Review, November 2015)
International Comparative Legal Guide to Trade Marks, Finland chapter (Global Legal Group, 4th Edition, 2015)
Miten mainonnan hyvän markkinointitavan mukaisuutta arvioidaan? [How is good marketing practice assessed for advertising in Finland?] (Finnish Marketing Association (MARK), March 2015)
Elintarvikkeiden terveysvaikutuksiin liittyvien ilmausten käyttö myynninedistämistarkoituksiin [Use of expressions related to the health impacts of foodstuffs in sales promotion purposes] (Finnish Marketing Association (MARK), June 2014)
EU IP Offices Seek to Harmonise the Scope of Protection (IPRinfo, 1/2014)