New supplemented 2nd impression of contracting agreement textbook published
A new and expanded 2nd impression of the 2011 textbook Urakkasopimukset: Rakennusurakan yleiset sopimusehdot YSE 1998 [Contracting agreements: General Conditions for Building Contracts YSE 1998] has been published. The joint work of three authors – Attorney-at-Law Ville Laine of Properta Attorneys Ltd together with Antero Oksanen and Kim Kaskiaro – the book provides a comprehensive treatment of contracting practices in Finland and a detailed commentary on the widely used YSE 1998 standard terms and conditions. The new impression covers amendments to legislation, revised industry terms and conditions, changes in RT building information cards and recent case law. Legislative amendments include changes in the laws governing procurement and contractor liability in outsourcing, and the use of indexation terms. Changes in contracting formats include the introduction of alliance contracting and modifications in project management contracting. The review of recent case law considers judgements of both the Finnish Supreme Court and Appeal Courts on such topics as the fault liability of a contractor, additional and modification work, and insolvency.
The book is on sale at the Helsinki Chamber of Commerce bookshop.