Please contact Ville for assistance in the following and other areas
- agreements related to construction, such as drafting and preparing contracting, planning or other consulting agreements
- disputes arising in contracting or other construction projects
- competitive tendering of public procurements
- disputes concerning sales of homes and real estate
Ville specialises in construction project agreements and in settling disputes arising from construction projects, and he has been handling construction-related issues for over 15 years. He typically assists both principals and contractors in contracting disputes related to various errors, delays and additional or modification work, or in disputes related to the General Conditions for Consulting (KSE). Ville has also published several books and articles in the field of construction, and he regularly lectures at events arranged by various organisations.
Properta Attorneys Ltd, Partner 2017–
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. (formerly Juridia Bützow and Juridia), Attorney-at-Law 2012–2017
City of Vantaa, Procurement lawyer 2011
Aaro Liuksiala & Co Oy, Attorneys-at-Law, Associate/Attorney-at-Law 2007–2011
Consumer Disputes Board, Presenting official 2006–2007
Helsinki University of Technology, Researcher 2004–2006
Consumer Disputes Board, Presenting official 2003–2004
Ecucation and training
Attorney-at-Law 2010
Licentiate of Laws, University of Helsinki 2006
Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2003
Finnish, English
Latest rankings
The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022:
- ‘Ville Laine is really strong practitioner within the construction industry. He has a really practical hands-on way of working and due to his exceptional industry knowledge we can really cut corners in a good way with him and get straight to the point which saves time and makes the service stand out.’
Who’s Who Legal Construction: Future Leaders – Partners, 2023
Who’s Who Legal Construction: Future Leaders, 2020
Finnish Bar Association
Oksanen & Laine & Kaskiaro: Urakkasopimukset: Rakennusurakan yleiset sopimusehdot YSE 1998 [Contracting agreements: General Conditions for Construction Contracting YSE 1998], 2nd revised impression (2019)
Liuksiala, Aaro & Laine, Ville: Tavoitehintaurakka [Target price contract] (2011)
Oksanen & Laine & Kaskiaro: Urakkasopimukset: Rakennusurakan yleiset sopimusehdot YSE 1998 [Contracting agreements: General Conditions for Construction Contracting YSE 1998] (2010)
Laine, Ville: Lisä- ja muutostyöt rakennusurakassa [Additional and modification work in construction contracts] (2006)
Laine & Junnonen: Julkisen elinkaarihankkeen hankintaprosessi [Procurement process for a public life cycle project] (2006)
Commentary on Finnish Supreme Court judgement KKO 2008:19, Defensor Legis 2008/4 [Journal of the Finnish Bar Association]
Julkisia hankintoja koskeva lainsäädäntö ja sekatyyppiset sopimukset [Public procurement legislation and hybrid agreements], Defensor Legis 2007/5 [Journal of the Finnish Bar Association]
Laine & Laine: Lisä- ja muutostöistä sopiminen rakennusurakassa [Agreeing additional and modification work in construction contracting], Defensor Legis 2006/2 [Journal of the Finnish Bar Association]