Please contact Tapio for assistance in the following and other areas
- real estate transactions
- problems in home and real estate sales
- legal issues and civil claims of agency businesses
- issues of liability in condominium housing companies
- special legal isses related to RS sites and other new construction
- good real estate agency practice
Tapio is an experienced specialist in the law governing real estate agents, sales of homes and real estates, and condominium housing companies. He lectures regularly on these subjects and has written several key textbooks in the field. His expertise has also been consulted when preparing legislation, including the process of drafting the Housing Transactions Act, the Code of Real Estate and the Housing Companies Act.
Properta Attorneys Ltd, Senior Counsel 2017–
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. (formerly Juridia Bützow and Juridia), Special Counsel 2012–2017
Tapio Nevala Real Estate Law, Partner 1994–2011
Finnish Association of Real Estate Agents, Managing Director 1991–1994
Self-employed in the housing and real estate sector 1981–1991
Ecuation and training
Master of Laws, University of Turku, 1982
Finnish, Swedish and German
Fiduciary positions
Ministry of Justice, Asuntokauppalain uudistus -monitoring group 1.2.2025–31.1.2026
Chairman of the real estate and housing sales department and member of the plenary meeting III of the Consumer Disputes Board 2022 –
Finland Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Examiners for Real Estate Agents
Union of Real Estate Agencies in Finland, Chairman of the Law and Advice Committee
Consumer Disputes Board, Division XI, Chairman and en banc member
Finnish Motor Association, Chairman
Nevala & Tolvanen & Haulos & Salokorpi & Ahsanullah 2024: Kiinteistönvälittäjän käsikirja [Real Estate Agent’s Handbook]
Nevala & Palo & Sirén & Haulos 2011: Kiinteistönvälittäjän käsikirja [Real Estate Agent’s Handbook]
Jauhiainen & Järvinen & Nevala 2010: Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki [The Housing Companies Act]
Nevala 2005 and 2011: Asuntokauppalaki [The Housing Transactions Act]
Nevala & Palo & Sirén 2001: Kiinteistönvälittäjän käsikirja [Real Estate Agent’s Handbook]
Nevala 2000: Opas kesäasunnon lakiasioihin [Guide to Legal Aspects of a Summer Home]
Nevala 1997: Uudistuva kiinteistönkauppa [Real Estate Trading in Transformation]
Nevala & Palo & Sirén 1997: Kiinteistönvälityksen käsikirja [Real Estate Agency Handbook]
Listoheimo & Nevala 1995: Uusi Kiinteistönvälittäjän käsikirja [The New Real Estate Agent’s Handbook]