Sassa Svahn

European trademark and design attorney

+358 44 011 1105

Please contact Sassa for assistance in the following and other areas

  • preparing an IP protection strategy
  • protecting trademarks, product designs or visual brand elements in Finland or internationally
  • conducting various preliminary searches or clearings related to internationalization
  • managing or maintaining IPR portfolios
  • training in aspects of IP registration

Sassa specialises in protecting trademarks and design rights, and in managing wide-ranging international IPR assignments. She also has strong expertise in registering domain names and associated assignments. Our clients benefit from her wide-ranging experience of finding cost-effective, business-boosting solutions for protecting and developing intellectual capital and innovations.

Her duties include IPR consulting, preparing protection strategies, conducting preliminary searches and completing registration procedures throughout the world. She is an Authorized Trademark Attorney in Finland and a trademark and design attorney approved by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).


Properta Attorneys Ltd, European trademark and design attorney 2017–

Heinonen & Co Oy, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd., Trademark and Domain Name Administrator 2006–2012

Heinonen & Co Oy, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd., Trademark Attorney 2012–2015

Heinonen & Co Oy, Attorneys-at-Law, Ltd., European trademark and design attorney 2015–2017

Education and training

Authorised trademark attorney, 2014
Vocational Qualification in Business (marketing), 2006


Finnish, English

Latest rankings

World Trademark Review, WTR 1000, 2025, Bronze category

World Trademark Review, WTR 1000, 2024, Bronze category

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022:

  • “European trade mark and design attorney Sassa Svahn is particularly strong in trade mark and design prosecution matters.”


European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
Finnish Association for Industrial Property Rights
Association of Finnish Patent Attorneys