Excellent rankings for Properta in 2019 Chambers and Partners Europe and Global Guides
The Real Estate department of Properta was ranked in Chambers Europe 2019 Guide Real Estate in Recognised Practitioner -category.
Our partner Mr. Ilkka Koivisto was ranked in Chambers Europe 2019 Real Estate: Construction in Finland -category as one of the six Finnish lawyers listed in Spotlight Table. Mr. Koivisto was commented as follows: “Ilkka Koivisto of Properta Attorneys Ltd is highlighted for his expertise in the construction and development sphere. One client describes him as “very sharp” and appreciates his “effective way of working.” He is experienced in both contentious and non-contentious mandates.”
Properta’s IPR department was ranked in both Chambers Europe 2019 and Chambers Global 2019 Guides as one of the Finland’s best law firms in Intellectual Property.
Our partner Ms. Hanna-Maija Elo was again ranked in Band 1 category and she was commented as follows: ”Hanna-Maija Elo is a market-leading lawyer known for her work on trade mark-related issues. She also advises clients on unfair competition matters as well as design rights. Clients highlight her “broad and deep knowledge in the area of intellectual property rights,” adding: “She is an excellent negotiator and skilled lawyer in matters of intellectual property disputes.” She advised MySoda on a trade mark infringement claim brought by SodaStream.”
Our partner Ms. Kukka Tommila was ranked once more in Band 2 category with the following comments: ”Kukka Tommila is known for her work on trade mark prosecution and also advises clients on copyright and design rights matters. She acted for Jukolan Osuuskauppa on a dispute regarding the sale of material based on copyrighted materials which were sold to a third party.”