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Appointments to the Finnish Bar Association’s Legal Expert Groups and Committees for the 2024–2026 Term

The Board of the Finnish Bar Association has decided on the composition of its legal expert groups and committees for the two-year term from 2024 to 2026. We are proud to announce that several experts from Properta have been appointed to these important positions.

Timo A. Järvinen will continue as a member of the Mediation Committee. Emilia Hodge will resume her role as Chair of the Intellectual Property Expert Group following the conclusion of her parental leave. Katja Firtser has been appointed as a member of the Real Estate and Construction Law Expert Group. We extend our best wishes to all on their appointments!

The committees of the Finnish Bar Association are responsible for preparing matters related to the key themes prioritised by the Association for the Board’s decisions. Their tasks include monitoring, proposing, and preparing initiatives for the development of legal practice and the justice system. The Bar Association’s legal policy statements are primarily drafted within its expert groups. Members of these groups are often invited to Parliament to provide expert testimony on legislative projects. Approximately 120 members of the Finnish Bar, recognised as top experts in their respective fields, serve in these groups.
